2. September 2013

In her study “Compatibility of introducing an Alpine Crossing Exchange with the requirements of EU legislation,” Professor Astrid Epiney of the University of Fribourg concludes that there are no insurmountable legal obstacles to the introduction of an ACE: “If you want to effectively transfer freight traffic from road to rail and thus effectively reduce environmental pollution in the regions concerned, it’s hard to see any alternatives that would be as effective as an Alpine Crossing Exchange.” The introduction of this efficient instrument necessitates the political will of the Alpine countries. The study was commissioned by the European region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino.

Download: Study “Zur Vereinbarkeit der Einführung einer Alpentransitbörse mit den Vorgaben des EU-Rechts” by Professor Astrid Epiney (in German only) (PDF, 639 KB)